Private lessons

Private lessons are a great way to learn yoga basics – giving you a foundation for beneficial, safe practice for the rest of your life. It’s also a way to accelerate progress and move past mental and physical sticking points. But remember, yoga isn’t about getting bendy. It’s about understanding your body, and the postures that help it – then using this knowledge to become fitter, more flexible, stronger and calm. Get in touch about private yoga lessons in Felixstowe.


The importance of fun

What I love about yoga is the opportunity to progress every day. The more knowledge we gain, the better our body and mind feels, and the more motivated we feel to learn more. It’s addictive. I enjoy giving private lessons and seeing the fast progress students make. There’s an element of hard work, but having fun is part of the process.


Yoga for sport

I know a lot of people who can’t bend down to touch their knees, never mind their toes! Many of them are sportspeople who regularly run, cycle or play golf – which can be tough on the body. Repetitive movements make muscles short and tight. Private lessons can focus on creating flexibility in problem areas, as well as improving core stability and mental focus. Once you learn how to free your body and use your breath, your life can change for the better.

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